Who is Li Bai?

By Fei Gao on Nov 15, 2023

Li Bai (701-762 AD), also known as Li Bai, was a great Chinese romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty. He is known as "the Immortal of Poetry" by later generations.

Li Bai was born in Changlong County, Mianzhou, Shu County (now Qinglian Town, Jiangyou City, Sichuan Province). He moved to Tongkou, Anhui Province with his father when he was young. He was a bright and studious child, and was known as "the banished immortal."

He traveled all over the country throughout his life, visiting famous mountains and rivers, and wrote a large number of magnificent poems praising the beauty of the motherland. His poems are both bold and unrestrained, fresh and elegant, with rich imagination, wonderful artistic conception, and light language, with typical romantic spirit.

Li Bai's representative works include "Viewing the Waterfall in Lushan", "Difficult to Travel", "Difficult to Travel in Shu", "A Song for Drinking", and "Early Departure from White Emperor City". These poems, with their magnificent and exotic imagination, high-spirited and passionate feelings, and vivid and vivid language, have become treasures of Chinese classical poetry.

Li Bai's life was full of legends. He had close relationships with famous masters such as Du Fu and Gao Shi, and left behind many well-known stories. Although he had a bumpy official career and suffered many setbacks, he always maintained a high enthusiasm for creation, and left behind a valuable legacy of poetry for future generations.

Li Bai's poetry has had a profound impact on later generations. He was hailed as "the Immortal of Poetry" and was paired with Du Fu as "Li Du". His poetry not only occupies an important position in the history of Chinese literature, but also enjoys a high reputation in the history of world literature.

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