What are the Five Major Genres of Chinese Painting?

By Fei Gao on Nov 06, 2023

The Five Major Genres of Chinese Painting

Chinese painting is a broad and diverse art form with a long and rich history. It is characterized by its use of ink and brush on paper or silk, and its emphasis on the artist's individual expression and interpretation of the natural world.

There are five major genres of Chinese painting:

  • Landscape is the most popular genre of Chinese painting. It is characterized by its depiction of natural scenery, such as mountains, rivers, and forests. Landscape paintings often use a variety of techniques to create a sense of depth and perspective, such as 皴法 (dry brushwork) and 点苔法 (dot and wash technique).

  • Figure painting depicts human figures, often in historical or mythological scenes. Figure paintings typically use a more realistic style than landscape paintings, and often employ 工笔 (detailed brushwork) to create a sense of realism.

  • Flowers and birds painting depicts a variety of flora and fauna. Flower and bird paintings are often characterized by their use of bright colors and delicate brushwork.


  • Animal painting depicts a variety of animals, both wild and domestic. Animal paintings are often characterized by their use of 写意 (freehand brushwork) to capture the essence of the animal's movement and character.

  • Still life painting depicts inanimate objects, such as fruit, flowers, or furniture. Still life paintings are often characterized by their use of 留白 (negative space) to create a sense of balance and harmony.


These five genres are not mutually exclusive, and many paintings combine elements of two or more genres. For example, a landscape painting may also include figures or animals.

Chinese painting is a complex and sophisticated art form that has evolved over centuries. It is a valuable expression of Chinese culture and history, and continues to be a popular art form in China and around the world.

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