The top ten Chinese painters

By Fei Gao on Dec 20, 2023

Introduction: China has produced many famous calligraphers and painters since ancient times, such as Wang Xizhi, Wu Daozi and others. In modern times, Chinese painting, as a unique traditional painting form in China, has developed and been passed down for thousands of years. Many Chinese paintings have also been produced in modern China. Masters, and who are the representatives of traditional Chinese painting? Who are the famous figures in China?

Introduction: China has produced many famous calligraphers and painters since ancient times, such as Wang Xizhi, Wu Daozi and others. In modern times, Chinese painting, as a unique traditional painting form in China, has developed and been passed down for thousands of years. Many Chinese paintings have also been produced in modern China. Masters, who are the representatives of Chinese painting, and who are the famous painters in China? This article will inventory and briefly introduce the top ten modern Chinese painters. Let’s take a brief look at them together.

Top ten Chinese painters

1.Qi Baishi

Qi Baishi is a world cultural celebrity who has created representative works such as "The Sound of Frog Ten Miles Out of the Mountain Spring" and "Ink Shrimp". He is good at painting landscapes, flowers and birds, figures, insects and fish. His works have bright and bright colors and concise and vivid shapes. In addition to paintings, he also wrote works such as "Shiraishi Poetry" and "Old Man Baishi's Narrative".

2.Xu Beihong

When it comes to Xu Beihong, the first thing that everyone thinks of may be "Galloping Horses", and this famous modern Chinese painter also has representative works such as "The Foolish Old Man Moves the Mountain", "The Wounded Lion", "Tian Heng's Five Hundred Men" and other representative works in his life. Covering areas such as animals, flowers, birds, and figures, it has a great influence on the Chinese painting world.

3. Zhang Daqian

Zhang Daqian is a famous Chinese splash-ink painter and calligrapher who has traveled around the world and enjoys a high reputation in the international art world. He has been praised by the Western art world as an oriental brush. He has also studied painting skills with Picasso, Xu Beihong, Qi Baishi and others. He created a new artistic style by combining splash-ink, splash-color, and handwriting.

4. Wu Changshuo

Wu Changshuo was born in Anji, Huzhou in 1844. He is an art master who is good at painting, calligraphy and seal cutting techniques. In addition, he also has high attainments in the fields of poetry and epigraphy. People are well-known for their traditional Chinese paintings such as Qi Baishi, Pan Tianshou and Chen Banding. All the masters received advice from him. This one of the four masters of Shanghai School in the late Qing Dynasty also served as the first president of Xiling Seal Society in Hangzhou.

5.Ren Yi

Ren Yi was a famous painter in the late Qing Dynasty who was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang in 1840. He has been selling paintings with his father since he was a child. His works throughout his life cover many fields such as landscapes, flowers and birds, and figures. He also absorbed the technique of watercolor tones, making his The works as a whole have a sober style, and the works of this Shanghai-style painter are now in the collections of the Palace Museum, Zhejiang Museum and other places.

6. Huang Binhong

Huang Binhong was born in Jinhua, Zhejiang in 1865. He was a great master of landscape painting. His calligraphy skills made him one of the four great literati calligraphers of the 20th century, including Gao Ershi, Li Zhimin and Bai Jiao. "Xin'an River Boat" is his representative painting.

7. Jiang Zhaohe

Jiang Zhaohe was born in Macheng, Hubei in 1904. He is a painter whose representative paintings include "Refugee Picture", "Cao Cao" and "Su Dongpo". He was a single teacher at Beijing Academy of Fine Arts, Peking Art College, and National Peking Art College. An art educator, he also founded the Xu Jiang system for cultivating modern ink figure painting talents during his teaching career.

8. Gao Jianfu

Gao Jianfu was born in Guangzhou, Guangdong in 1879 and was exposed to modern Chinese painters. He studied under Gu Lian and the famous French painter Mylar, and after studying in Japan, he traced back to Mr. Sun Yat-sen. After returning to China, he founded Chunsui Painting Academy, focusing on middle and high school Hua's reforms, and Gao Qifeng, Chen Shuren and others jointly founded the "Lingnan School" which now has a high influence in China.

9.Li Keran

This painter, who once studied under Qi Baishi, was born in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province in 1907. He began to learn landscape painting at the age of 13. When he was middle-aged and older, he began to travel and sketch, revolutionizing landscape painting. Throughout his life, he used landscapes, figures, animals and cows as creative inspirations, and created successively He produced representative paintings such as "Ten Thousand Mountains Are Red" and "Scenic Scenery of the Li River".

10.Fu Baoshi

Fu Baoshi was a modern painter who was born in Nanchang, Jiangxi in 1904. He went to Japan to study. This artist is famous for his landscape paintings. In his middle age, he created bouldering stones with bold and unrestrained brushstrokes. Thousands of years later, he created vigorous and powerful paintings. The paintings with a strong sense of the times are represented by "Majestic Look of Maoshan Mountain" and "On the Mountain Pass"

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